
Heaven is other people (take that Sartre)! I start my day by going to the local Highschool to greet the kids. I and some other locals started doing it during Covid when behavior broke down. We show up to say good morning and to fist bump them and to bring the occasional bag of nutritionally worthless treats.

Just showing up worked like magic, and the disruption pretty much stopped, so we had a discussion, the three of us hard core people, about whether we should go the next year. We decided to just see how it went. That was three years ago. Some kids I just know by sight. Others I know by name. I have grown very attached to the men who turn up, and to the students. My own sons aren’t there any longer, but the school always gives us tickets to the graduation.

I have so enjoyed watching these kids grow up and into their confidence. I have a few special ones who I joke with and one who won’t fist bump (dramatically!) but then gave me a big hug at Christmas.

It’s funny how people you don’t know intimately can matter so much. Now and then I run into one of the kids in the supermarket, and it’s always nice. Makes me get a little lump in my throat when I think of them.

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I love this so much.

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Apr 25·edited Apr 25

Just walking every morning. Yes, I'm always listening to gender related podcasts, but I'm moving, getting fresh air, and seeing the seasons gradually change, perhaps allowing me the hope that all this madness will one day end.

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This is my regular activity and hope too. Almost every morning/day since the spring of 2020. Though I do sometimes have to turn off the podcasts and listen for the birds (when not near the loud road) and look around. Didn't know there was a name for it -- touching grass!

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I touch grass by literally getting out and touching grass! I have a small garden and I love growing plants from seed. In my basement I have a seed starting station so that I can have my hands in some kind of soil, even in the winter. I have found the process of watching something grow from seed—especially a tiny seed that becomes a 6 foot tall tomato vine—to be very therapeutic. I can spend hours just wandering my garden looking at every little sprout. And when things feel really upside down in the world, it’s nice to settle in, beside some plants who still grow the way they always have.

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Long walks when the weather permits. I also really enjoy kayaking. I’m focussed on trying to see something interesting in or near the water (a fish, a nurse shark, turtle, sea birds, jellyfish). It’s hard to ruminate in negative feelings when I’m doing an activity that allows me to get out in the sea and paddle through currents.

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Apr 25Liked by Gender: A Wider Lens

Searching for beach glass, too!

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I agree. I feel like “touch some water” is comparable to “touch some grass”!

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I have a huge vegetable and fruit garden that I tend. I’ve been out there alone for the past decade but this past spring, my trans identified daughter joined me. I handed over a few raised beds to her and we talk about plants and bugs and birds together. We have quail in our yard this spring (babies soon!) and I watch the daily routine they have. I also knit and sew. Plus walks every day with my daughter to get a coffee. So I don’t really get an escape from my daughter and all of the trans insanity but I at least know where she is and getting her to touch grass daily too.

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Not a lot of grass around here, but the beautiful hiking around Phoenix always restores my serenity.

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Morning runs. This time of year, the air is brisk (if not cold) and refreshing. I leave before sunrise, so get to enjoy the changing light as the sun comes up.

Walks in the neighborhood. Sometimes I take my camera and look for the extraordinary in the ordinary. Sometimes I run into friends/acquaintances who are also walking or just out in front of their houses.

Shooting hoops in the driveway. Usually that involves at least one other family member. (We are all bad at basketball.)

I’m looking into an online photography course on lightening and thunderstorms. Thinking about doing some *very careful * storm chasing. I love storm clouds and thunder and lightning.

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Commuting to a campus 4 hours away, I have always elected to drive the Natchez Trace rather than the Interstate. It's a scenic federal highway. Lots of wildlife, wildflowers, and picnic spots. I have to find a new reason to drive that road now that I am graduating!

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Getting into the forest, especially in the spring when there are woodland flowers everywhere, is a huge comfort for me. Temporary beauty that restores itself each year. I take a sketchbook and some pens and draw.

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I started foraging for mushrooms a few years back. There's something about going into hunter gatherer mode, where you're just drinking it all this complexity in without having that tunnel vision that we do so often with technology or even reading, that is really relaxing.

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Darn it I missed fiddlehead season this year!

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I missed the morels. Again. But to be honest I only really like the chanterelles. It’s the thrill of the chase for me.

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A two hour walk in the country while listening to music or a podcast.

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Getting up early to go jogging or walking. Also daily meditation.

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