What an amazing interview. What's extraordinary is our national news just posted a piece about "how marriages can survive gender transitions" and then this came out. It blows my mind. I love Stellas expressions BTW. I want to screenshot her shocked face as that represents my entire 5 year experience in this world of "gender". I wish it was mandatory that everyone in the world watched all of your podcasts!!

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There are so many things to think about from this interview, I hope it does get more air time in general. I had no idea that the induction via chemo treatments. I recall a woman in my own (female) lactation support group who was dealing with a whirl of emotions bc her cancer treatment prevented her from being able to lactate - as in the doctors advised her not to nurse bc she would pass on the chemicals. And it was gut wrenching bc the baby was completely distraught and wanted to nurse. It is an integral bond. I'm disgusted to know that babies are being fed this chemical treatment. This is criminal. Look at how we rallied in the face of melamine in baby formula, how on earth is this any different. It's a crime.

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The gray rock technique is essential to self-defense against the narcissist. Everyone should learn the technique.

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Oft neglected is the harm and confusion caused by a transitioning parent on children as well as trans widows and entire families. The sexual element of the M to F trans is denied & suppressed but I know it is absolutely true. Several years ago as when I was going full steam in my own gender transition I was contacted by a man having increasing sexual difficulty with his girlfriend as he was becoming aroused only when crossdressing.I advised him to get help from the gender clinic who at the time could prescribe a drug treatment to decrease the sexual response to crossdressing. Awhile later he contacted me with thanks as he was taking the medication and it was helping restore his relationship with his girlfriend. In reflection I wish I had taken my own advice as after many years post op I realize the transsexual journey to female was essentially a fulfillment of a sexual fantasy by hormones and surgery. It is important to note today any treatment to address sexual response to crossdressing is considered conversion therapy.

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I completely understand being a child of a trans identifying parent 😞

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