About Gender: A Wider Lens

Contact us at hello@widerlenspod.com

The current discourse around “gender” is full of new concepts and ever-changing definitions of old words. We’ve seen cartoon graphics like the genderbread person, and the gender unicorn, and we’ve heard new terms like gender diverse, transgender, gender euphoria, gender dysphoria, genderfluid, and so much more. What does this all mean and how is it impacting our culture, our children, and our understanding of ourselves? 

In this podcast, therapists Stella O'Malley and Sasha Ayad take a deep dive into the psychological and cultural forces impacting the way we treat (and talk about) “gender.” Through interviews with researchers, doctors, therapists, parents, detransitioners, and others, Sasha and Stella's podcast is a “must listen” for anyone trying to navigate the current gender landscape. With their sharp analytical minds and deep compassionate hearts, Stella and Sasha have become known throughout parent networks around the world as lighthouses in the midst of some very stormy seas.

Sasha and Stella started this podcast in December of 2020, at a time when bringing a critical eye to gender ideology was even more fraught than it is today. Unsure of what to expect, the two therapists bravely set out to try to add some nuance to the world of #nodebate around gender, particularly concerned about the rush to medicalize gender-distressed youth. By speaking honestly about these issues, they’ve helped others feel more confident to seek better information and to ask important questions. Whistleblower, Jamie Reed (among others), often says that Gender: A Wider Lens helped fortify her resolve to speak out when she started having major concerns about what was happening to children in the gender clinic where she worked.

As we head into our fourth year of creating this podcast, we hope to continue to inspire more dialogue, compassion, and honest reflection. We are honored to have hosted so many esteemed guests in the past and we are bursting at the seams with excitement for the upcoming guests this year.

2024 is bound to be a pivotal year in the world of gender. Join us! As we look at gender through a wider lens.

Why subscribe?

We've truly appreciated all the praise, enthusiasm, and support for the show. We are regularly told how much it's kept people “sane” as they try to navigate the misinformation and disorientation around gender ideology. It’s an honor to be welcomed into your kitchens, your living rooms, your cars, and anyplace else you listen or watch on a weekly basis. But we can’t do this podcast alone or for free, so by becoming a paid subscriber, you can help us keep the lights on, the mics hot, and the production team paid!

Here’s how you can help:

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  • access to our rich archive of premium content

  • access to future premium content

  • access to discussions in the comments section of each episode here on Substack

  • access to participate in weekly discussion boards, where we will share an article or post a topic, inviting listeners to talk amongst yourselves as a community

FOUNDING membership


Access to all free and paid content, plus:

  • advance notice about who is coming on the show with the opportunity to submit questions for that guest, which we may* use in the episode

  • the opportunity to submit questions for us to possibly* answer on the show

  • early notification about webinars, in-person workshops, and other events yet to be determined with Sasha and Stella

  • the best perk of all—our enduring appreciation and the knowledge that you are helping to keep these important conversations going

*We cannot guarantee that your questions for us, or our guests will be featured.

Financial Support

(one-time contributions)

Many listeners have inquired about additional ways to support the show beyond the available membership options. We are grateful for the generosity of our audience! Single contributions are appreciated and play a vital role in sustaining the show, contributing to the production of quality content, and ensuring ongoing production.

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Subscribe to Gender: A Wider Lens

An Informed Look at the Shifting Gender Landscape and How It’s Impacting Kids, Families and Society


Two therapists explore the concepts of gender, identity, and transition from a psychological depth perspective.
Sasha is an adolescent therapist working with gender-questioning young people + families. She uses a developmental approach and prioritizes compassion, curiosity, and a least-invasive-first treatment. Co-Host of Gender: A Wider Lens Podcast
Psychotherapist, author,director of Genspect