Wesley Yang, an essayist and public intellectual, has written extensively about 21st-century America and the liminal position of the non-black, non-white person. Coining the term "successor ideology" in 2019, Wesley has carefully analyzed this particular kind of ideology among left-wing movements that is centered around identity politics. Wesley has recently turned his attention towards gender issues and, in this episode, he delivers a blistering analysis of how gender has become a socio-political juggernaut, infiltrating society in every possible way.
His substack features his writing, and the writing of other authors who are covering all the shocking twists and turns in the gender debates. He is also covering the release of the new WPATH Standards of Care, and the subsequent talks given about various chapters, including the now infamous eunuch chapter. As you’ll hear Wesley has a truly incisive mind and dynamic voice, and we’re so thrilled he’s pointing his attention towards pediatric transition and the horrible treatment parents receive when they attempt to protect their children. We’ll just let him speak for himself: here is Wesley Yang.
Wesley Yang’s Substack: https://wesleyyang.substack.com/
Wesley Yang’s Twitter: https://mobile.twitter.com/wesyang
The Face of Seung-Hui Cho
Book the souls of yellow folk
Eliza mongreen transexceptionalism and kids twitter
Swedish Documentary The Trans Train:
Part 1: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sJGAoNbHYzk&t=265s
Part 2: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=73-mLwWIgwU
Part 3: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=W3WqLT9NEnU
Billboard Chris on Wesley’s Youtube:
Teacher with gigantic prosthetic breasts is defended in Ontario:
Gender Theory in Schools:
Visit https://rethinkime.org/ and https://genspect.org/ to learn more.
For more about our show: https://linktr.ee/WiderLensPod.
Extended Notes
Finding it hard to break into NYC media, Wesley finally landed a piece in New York magazine about identity politics.
People on Tumbler in 2013 now hold positions in various non-profit institutions.
Between 2014 and 2019, the groups whose income grew the fastest were Hispanics and the next Asian-Americans.
It was on Twitter that Wesley coined the term “successor ideology.” He defines it and offers examples of its effects.
Some believe gender binary is the new moral emergency.
Wesley highlights the language and verbiage Elizabeth Warren adopted during her debates.
When Wesley discovered what happened in Finland and Sweden, he realized it was time for him to write about gender identity.
There has been a 4000% increase in gender clinics in Britain.
While a documentary in Sweden led to a change in policy, major news outlets in the U.S. have not yet moved on the gender issue.
Wesley shares some stats about who supports and who does not support a program of gender medicalization.
Murders and rapists are admitted to female prisons based on self-identification.
Government leaders may continue to make legislative changes based on talking points, not factual information.
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