June has kicked off Pride month across the US and many other countries around the world. For parents, and others, caught in the gender maelstrom, Pride month (or months, depending on where you are) can feel like an oppressive onslaught of trans propaganda. Even many members of the LGB community feel like Pride has been completely overtaken by the “TQ+” and Pride history is often being rewritten.
A movement that was originally founded with a lot of legitimate goals seems to have gone off the rails. Parades that used to hold a subversive party atmosphere for adults, have been turned into increasingly corporate “family” events. The addition of big brands and children hasn’t necessarily diluted the subversive atmosphere, but this Op-Ed writer seems to think kink is great for kids, go figure.
Last year, Sasha and Stella answered a question from and ROGD Mom on “how to survive Pride month,” as part of their series of exclusive content. We are “unlocking” that episode and making it public, so you can watch and discuss, and add your own thoughts, frustrations, and advice to the comments section. You can watch the mini episode here:
There are lots more Q + A videos, in addition to bonus content with many of our guests available to our premium subscribers. If you are not already a paid subscriber, consider upgrading today. Your contribution is what helps us keep this show going!
I always supported gay rights, and the right to marry. But somewhere along the way for Gen Z it became…almost required. If you don’t find a way to put yourself under that umbrella you’re basic, right-wing, oppressive, something to be ashamed of. This has resulted in the complete ridiculousness of my daughter calling herself a gay boy and her boyfriend calling himself bisexual (since he’s dating a “gay boy”). In other words, two straight kids pretending to be gay so they can fit in socially and avoid criticism. Hmm, it seems like pride was supposed to prevent people from having to pretend to have a different sexual orientation in order to fit in?
So pride, which I used to have no problem with, now makes me feel like I got punched in the gut and I wish I could just hide under a rock until it’s over.
Not long ago I desisted and realized that I’m probably as lesbian. I feel super lonely during pride month, because it’s like not for lesbians anymore? And I feel like I have too controversial views to exist in lgbt spaces